Micronesia Grand Tour
Kosrae, one of the four islands of Micronesia, isn’t a common destination. The colors and perfumes of its flowers, the clear water rich in fish and untouched corals, the history and legends of its natives, and the mystery of the “Sleeping Lady” make your stay in this land magic and still to be discovered.

If you have seen the movie Moana, you’ll have met Te Fiti, a princess with the ability of creating life. At the end of the movie, Te Fiti lies down to sleep, her body forming the shape of a verdant green Island…
Looking for eco-adventures?
Micronesia Grand Tour aim is to share its passion and enthusiasm for ocean and mountain activities.
Tourism that guarantees the economic, environmental and social development of the host country, in the way that we can meet the needs of present tourists and local people while protecting and enhancing opportunities for the future .Maria G. Fanelli, “Sustainable Development and Creation of New Jobs”, L’Aquila University, 1997